
7.recall a product 回收產品

money spinner 撈錢貨翻譯很會替你公司賺錢的商品都是你公司的 cash cow 或 money spinner 。良多中文其實都找獲得相對應的英語,像「錢樹子」- cash cow ,問題就在於翻譯公司知不知道罷了翻譯

generic product (generics) 無品牌商品: products that are not branded, not sold under a brand name

冷德律風是什麼意思?當對方是個陌生人,只是因為你認為他是潛在客戶,翻譯公司打德律風造訪他 make a cold call ,讓他熟悉你的產品。固然,不是所有人都喜歡打這種生疏人的行銷德律風!

This new mobile phone is a real cash cow! We haven’t done any advertising at all and it just keeps selling.


3. own-brand product 自有品牌商品

2. launch a product 推出產品


8. cold call 生疏行銷德律風

5. loss leader 便宜招攬品:

During the 1960s, the strategy of large retailers was to identify the most popular items from toy makers and use them as loss leaders to draw in parents.

In just three weeks翻譯社 we’re going to launch our new shampoo product.

blitz 這個字的音讀起來是不是有「閃電」的感覺行銷像閃電一樣,你想一想會是什麼感受?當然攻勢有些強烈囉!